Ticket #495 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Multisess interprets SS logon as a new password entry
Entered By: AnthonyA@flynet.co.uk When: 2000-04-13 06:29:37 Build: 2.0.7C
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
Multisess - a product used by the potential customer to 
validate logons - believes when a user logs on via 
Screensurfer that a new password is being entered so tries 
to validate it.  Perhaps because a space is being sent?

Relevent details are in template.log.  SurfDiag.log also 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-04-13 07:10:01  New Status: Pending Customer
Can you please e-mail template.log and SurfDiag.log to 
surfer@ie.com, referencing Ticket #495 in subject.

Thanks--we have a number of live customers using Multisess, 
so not sure what is happening but I'm sure we can resolve 
Append By: AnthonyA@flynet.co.uk  When: 2000-04-13 07:27:15  New Status: Pending IE
log files mailed as requested