Ticket #481 ( Closed )

Short Description SSL HELP---URGENT!!!!!
Entered By: gaucho When: 2000-03-10 14:55:03 Build: 2.0.7A GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hi Bill,

I have a major problem right now.
Everything was working fine until we re-started our 
server.  No one can connect to the service.  I receive a 
404 error once I try to connect to the service at 

Here are the surrounding issues:
--In December we upgraded to Service Pack 5.
--Last week we renewed our SSL certificate.
--I tried to install the newest version of surfprox.dll 
(with the assumption that I did the install correctly) but 
I am receiving the "red down arrow" after I point the ISAPI 
filter to the surfprox.dll.

The IP address for the domain "gnet.ucsb.edu" is  I can connect to the service if I use the 
IP address and port number but without using SSL.  I can 
not connect to it using 
"https://gnet.ucsb.edu/surfer/gold/login".  But I can 
through "".

What is the problem?
Can you call me