Ticket #472 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description How can you close the Session when the Browser is closed
Entered By: rshanker@att.com When: 2000-03-02 11:35:08 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
I am tring to close the session when the User 
tries to close the browser window.
i am using onunload but 
the function is called each time when i am goig from one 
page to other , my requirement is 
once the user comes to emulation screen and he does al his 
work going through different pages and he closes the 
browser window without clickikng on the "Exit connection".
This will keep the Session open on the Server Side 
which i dn't want. Can you please send me an example of 
how can i close the session when user closes the browser 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-03-02 12:31:58  New Status: Pending Customer
Note that you can actively log-off sessions based on 
timing-out.  This is implemented with a time-driven section 
and the ManageSessions("sweep","") function.

The Sweep command will compare the inactivity period and the 
timeout # minutes set in the console settings and will 
time-out any users with inactivity for that period.

Not sure how to trap the closing of the window...try 
deja.com search??