Ticket #464 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Memory error in Windows 2000
Entered By: Big Kahuna When: 2000-02-22 18:01:40 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: DevCenter Compiling
This was reported by Realmed...

About once a day, after a large amount of editing templates 
and compiling, the developer will get the following message 
in Windows 2000 when doing a compile:

Application error "ielua.exe"
Instruction at "0x0044cb14" referenced memory "0x000000004" 
memory could not be read

The user usually has to reboot their system to get the SS 
service started again.  We tried to start the SS service in 
diagnostic mode to have them forward the surfdiag.log file 
to iE and the surfdiag.log file says that the SS service 
started successfully eventhough the user gets 
the "Application error" message listed above... 
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-22 23:52:08  New Status: Pending Customer
What we need the customer to do is to activate Dr. Watson 
error reporting on the server, using the command:

drwtsn32 -i

This installs Dr. Watson as the error handler, so that 
following future traps the customer can email to us the file 

That, along with sending us their templates so that we can 
reproduce possibly in the lab.

Note that one need not reboot the system, but that the Task 
Manager can be used, and the IELUA process stopped from the 
task list, without fear of damage to any file structures or 
other elements.  IELUA keeps no open files or other 
resources that a STOP of the task will not clean up neatly.
Append By: Big Kahuna  When: 2000-02-23 17:05:11  New Status: Pending Customer
Sent Realmed an email requesting the above.  Thanks Mr. 