Ticket #461 ( Closed )

Short Description More coding problems!!!
Entered By: gaucho When: 2000-02-18 14:50:19 Build: 2.0.6F
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hi Bill,

I am having problems with some of my code that I haven't 
touched in months.

On the official transcript page, every time I click on an 
input box it gives me a "Runtime error"  "Object expected" 
error.  Then when I try to type something in that text box 
it gives me the error " 'value' is not an object".  I am 
confused because I haven't touched the code in two months 
and it was working just fine till recently.

I used the <tearea . . . .> tag but I'm not having this 
problem on any other page.  I also noticed that the tearea 
tag puts in some new code for an input box "onKeyUp="SSkc
('F_977_5',event)"---?  Or am I just going crazy?  

Regardless of this code, which is generated and works on 
other templates, what could be my problem to this runtime 

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-22 23:53:57  New Status: Pending Customer
Please can you reproduce the error and then do a view source 
in order to copy the source of the bad page and e-mail it to 

It's probably some Javascript tricks that are tripping in 
the new version (Javascript that SS generates internally).
Append By: gaucho  When: 2000-02-23 13:01:28  New Status: Pending IE
Hi Bill,

I emailed you source code for the page that I'm having 
trouble on.  Is there anything else that I can give you 
that would help out? :)  

Thanks a million!!!

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-25 11:03:41  New Status: Pending Customer
By any chance is the script for this page not using the 

This usually will emit the SSkc() javascript function, which 
isn't showing-up in your page.

This is all happening due to the introduction of auto-skip 
fields which are for 3270 emulation environments.

For your environment, you probably don't even need this to 
be active at all, so I think the best fix is to change in 
the registry:

Environments/Screensurfer/Config:Autoskip Feature

to "no"

Next time you restart Screensurfer, the TEAREA tag should no 
no longer generate calls to the SSkc function.
Append By: gaucho  When: 2000-04-10 19:22:32  New Status: Closed
Thanks.  Everything works great!
