Ticket #455 ( Pending IE )

Short Description Time Based Functions- Reference Ticket 142
Entered By: gaucho When: 2000-02-16 14:15:18 Build: 2.0.7a GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Not Categorized
Hi Bill,

I am trying to use the time based function (reference 
ticket 142) to fire up MORE connections after 5.

Here is my test Code, but it doesn't seem to be working.  
Do I need to make adjustments to my Console settings (ie- 
does my session range need to start at the minimum number- 
6 sessions)?  Then do I put the hard code into Global.stml 
to fire up the additional connections, or do I need to 
specify the max number of sessions in the console settings?

<TESECTION MorningStartUp
   WHEN DATETIME IS "*-*-*-11-15-00">
Morning Startup results:<p>
<TESHOW SetMaxSessions("LU_GROUP_1", 6)>
<TESHOW ManageSessions("servstart","1")>
<TESHOW ManageSessions("start","1..6")>

<TESECTION AfternoonBump   
	WHEN DATETIME IS "*-*-*-11-20-00">
	Afternoon Bump results:<p><TESHOW SetMaxSessions
Append By: gaucho  When: 2000-02-16 14:18:27  New Status: Pending IE
Also I am getting this error in the events folder for the 
"Afternoon bump" function:

My Console range settings are 1..6 but I would like to bump 
up the connections to 1..8 after 5 minutes.  (just for a 
test function)
Error occurred while starting Session 7! 
Session number too high or too low, or invalid LU name
Error occurred while starting Session 8! 
Session number too high or too low, or invalid LU name
Any Suggestions?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-16 14:31:21  New Status: Pending Customer
The answer, I think, is that you need your configured 
session range to include the maximum session you specify in 
the SetMaxSessions function.

The SetMaxSessions function is essentially an optional 
throttle placed on the "real" maximum sessions which is the 
number of sessions in the group's range (a range of 10..19 
would have a max of 10).

So, you can't EVER have more sessions than are defined in 
the group's range, but you can reduce the number that can be 
active at any time with the SetMaxSessions function.

Please get the SetMaxSessions function working again--it was 
implemented specifically for UCSB! :)
Append By: gaucho  When: 2000-02-16 17:22:16  New Status: Pending IE
Hi Bill,

The SetMaxSessions function that was implemented for UCSB 
has not been touched and it is working fine.  Yet we never 
implemented the function to kick up the connections after 
5pm.  I have been testing many different options to kick up 
30 more connections after 5, but I have been unsuccessful 
in coding a proper section to do this.

I have the group's range set at 1..8 (set on the Admin 
console on our development server).

The code is the same as the above, but once SS starts up 
sessions 1-6, it still allows other users to connect to the 
sessions 7 and 8 even though the "afternoon bump" code has 
not yet executed.  How do I stop the users from getting 
these other sessions (7 and 8) until the code executes?

Thanks again
