Ticket #446 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description input box size in IE
Entered By: PeteL When: 2000-02-09 12:12:40 Build: 2.05V
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: HTML Generation
we are in the midst of migrating from Netscape Navigator to 
MSIE 5.x, and I'm wondering if you've come across this 
situation and perhaps a solution: When text in an input 
field is sent to the browser, if the text is in upper case, 
it frequently doesn't all fit in the automatically-sized 
input box that IE presents.  Although I can change the text 
size via css, that simply changes the input box size as 
well, and the text still gets truncated at the end of the 
field.  Any suggestions?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-10 03:56:07  New Status: Pending Customer
Look at the file personal.stml -- there are a number of 
settings used to calculate the size of an entry field, as 
well as the widths of the preceeding and trailing blanks.  
The width of an entry field will be based on the width of 
your fixed-space font.

In personal.stml, the courier-new, 9pt is set, and widths 
are entered to match this font--I've got other numbers for 
other fonts, too--which font would you like to use?
Append By: PeteL  When: 2000-02-10 06:13:42  New Status: Pending IE
I'll take a look at that file.  I have no idea what font is 
being used, it's whatever gets picked when inside the PRE 
tags - how can I find out what's being used?  I was under 
the impression that the extra blanks were outside the input 
field, I need them to be inside, so that the border is 
bigger.  And of course, this only happens with IE. <P>
thanks again