Ticket #434 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description 3270 Keyboard emulation error
Entered By: marco.bacci@tlsoft.it When: 2000-02-03 13:31:48 Build: 2.0.7A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: TN3270 Connection
Connecting to host Mainframe MVS/OS390 after the VTAM screen
I type Session Applid (EAM1) and on the same screen an error 
message appear with session applid E\Z1 comand not  found,
this seems to be a wrong traslation to EBCDIC of typed 
Q: is there any kind of keyboard mapping to customize?

Thank you !  Bye Bye  
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-03 13:40:41  New Status: Pending Customer

Thank you for using the SupportCenter--

It might be a translation problem, but we would like to 
confirm that before making a change with you (yes, you can 
specify a different translation table).  Especially since 
the "A" translating to a "\" sounds a little funny no matter 
what language is running on your VTAM!

Please perform the following steps:

1. Start Screensurfer using diagnostic mode (use the 
Screensurfer Control Icon in Screensurfer folder)
2. Reproduce trying to key EAM1 into the VTAM screen from 
the "Web Gateway Home Page" icon
3. After you see the command not found, send an e-mail to 
surfer@ie.com, subject=Ticket 434 log, and attach the file 
4. We can then let you know if it is translation, or 
something else

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-14 12:53:58  New Status: Pending Customer
We received the logs-- thank you.

The problem appears to be in your firewall and the way that 
it provides session selection.  We have fixed this already 
for another company with the same problem.

Your current build, build 2.0.6F does not have this fix in 

To upgrade, please download 
ftp://www.screensurfer.com/T2_0_7C.zip and unzip to 
\screensurfer\bin to replace two files.

Then, start Screensurfer again and see if this fixes your 

Sorry for the delay in resolving this for you.