Ticket #433 ( Closed )

Short Description Concatenating Variables / TextMid()
Entered By: dcrawford@yalesecurity.com When: 2000-02-02 12:18:28 Build: 2.0.6b
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript Functions
I need to pull 6 bytes off the screen and format the data 
as a date, by putting /'s between the 3 2 digit groups.  
What I would like to do is use the textmid() function to 
extract substrings and then concatenate them together.  I 
have tried this and have come up empty.

An example would be helpful.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 2000-02-02 12:31:38  New Status: Pending Customer
Two ways, assuming a Text variable named "NewDate" and that 
the date is at row 1, column 70:

<teset NewDate=Screen(1,70,2)+"/"+Screen(1,72,2)+"/"+


<teset NewDate=Screen(1,70,6)>
<teset NewDate=TextLeft(NewDate,2)+"/"+TextMid(NewDate,2,2)+

Note that you can use 
TextMid(0,2)..TextMid(2,2)..TextMid(4,2) for the above,
but threw-in the TextLeft and TextRight for fun...

Maybe you used the backslash (\) by accident?  If so, that 
requires Two backslashes, since SurferScript string 
expressions use the backslash as an escape character for 
newlines and such.
Append By: dcrawford@yalesecurity.com  When: 2000-02-29 14:28:33  New Status: Closed
Solved my problem.