Ticket #410 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description How to set background color at one time?
Entered By: dheineman@dwhomes.com When: 1999-11-17 17:24:35 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: DevCenter SurferScript Generation
When I identify a screen it comes up white without background colors used in default html. Is there a place I can put the background colors and other things at a higher level so they will show for all screens... I would prefer not to repeat this in all the section code.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-11-17 17:46:28  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Is that when you use the DevCenter wizards?

Currently there is a mismatch between the DevCenter and the standard GLOBAL.HEADER section.

Basically, the DevCenter wizards are not including the <TEMACRO TERMBODY> tag, which is used to not only generate the HTML body tag but also position the cursor.

To fix this you can either upgrade to latest build of DevCenter or keep what you have and add the line: <TEMACRO TERMBODY 'BGCOLOR="#408080"'> to the last line in GLOBAL.HEADER.

If you would like to upgrade, add another action and we will provide instructions...