Ticket #402 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Usage of variables
Entered By: Murthy When: 1999-10-06 07:08:54 Build: 2.0
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
I am in the process of the customization of the screens of an AS/400 application. Can I use a Javascript variable in Screensurfer script. If so, how do I it? Here is the sample code I am working on..........
function HandleRow( val, row )
Instead of transferring the control to a new URL, I would like to use a <TEACTION PUTFIELD.....>.

Can I do it using these "val" and "row" variables of JavaScript?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-10-06 07:18:57  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment What ever you do, don't get confused between SurferScript executing at the server and Javascript executing at the client!

The way you have done it so far is effective to pass Javascript variables at the client back to Screensurfer-- they will come in at:

<tesection when 
  tranpath_1 is "type"
   and tranpath_2 is "select">
<teaction getsession>
<teaction putfield web.row 3 web.select>
<teaction enter "[enter]">
The above assumes that the entry of the selection is in column 3 on the target row.