Ticket #400 ( Closed )

Short Description Printing Session
Entered By: lnajim@stv.org When: 1999-10-05 17:21:46 Build: 2.0 GA
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: TN3270 Connection
can surfer open print session setup for TN3270 printing?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-10-05 17:25:18  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Not at this time. This is currently under consideration by another customer for implementation by the end of this year.

The presently proposed implementation creates print output files for an individual which are then accessed via a web server link and printed using a plugin compatible with Netscape or IE.

Append By: lnajim@stv.org  When: 1999-10-06 10:18:06  New Status: Closed
Comment I do believe that this will be a great business opportunity for you.