Ticket #394 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Transfering data to the host screen
Entered By: Murthy When: 1999-09-30 02:45:11 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
I am in the process of the customization of an AS/400 Screen in which I have a text box and a PF4 key which is used for prompting the values(here in this case ,it is the emp id.).When I press PF4 Key it gives me a list of records in the form of a table where in the first column there are textboxes. If I enter a "1" in the text box and press enter then that corresponding emp id is put into the text box in the previous screen.

I am building the same table using HTML in my browser with the difference that instead of the textbox(where I enter "1") I am incorporating a checkbox so that when i select it the corresponding record is picked up.

How do I do it?

Can I code a <TEMACRO TRANURL> on the onClick event of a checkbox?