Ticket #391 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description "Your Screen submission was in error. "
Entered By: Murthy When: 1999-09-29 10:32:00 Build: 2.0
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
I am connected to an AS/400 application via the development center and am customizing the screens of the application by the use of HTML,Screensurfer script and Javascript. When I connect through the Development Center, and am in the process of customization, often I get the error which is given below.

-------------------------------------------- Session Not Valid.

Sorry, your current submission to this Screensurfer Gateway is for a terminal session that has either timed-out or is incorrectly specified in the web page.

To display the Screensurfer Gateway HomePage,Click here. --------------------------------------------

The last line in the message is an href link.

Could you please clarify this doubt?

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-09-29 10:45:34  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment There's a number of possibilities-- one is that your AS400 is timing you off, and so your session isn't there anymore.

Another is that for some reason your action preceeding the error is passing an invalid or missing sessionkey-- all Screensurfer requests require a SessionKey, which is automatically added if you generate a URL using the TEMACRO TRANURL or generate a FORM using the TEFORM tag.

When you see this, you can quickly check the trace in the DevCenter, using the View Trace Admin menu option, or the View trace button in the button bar (looks like a page).

In the trace, you should be able to see the web hit causing the error, and figure-out if it is one of your links not properly passing-in the SessionKey.

For the most up-to-date version of Screensurfer, you may also want to download ftp://ftp.ieinc2.com/pub/surfer/T2_0_5O.zip because a few builds back we added automatic tracing of all HTTP input values.