Ticket #372 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Using Key [page down]
Entered By: AlexandraLaCruz@HiperCom.com When: 1999-08-26 19:14:53 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
I have a problem posting the key [page down], when I try to set with:
<TEACTION ENTER "[page down]">
<TEACTION KEY "[page down]">
But all this instruction write over the screen '@v'

whats mean in the table of defined keys, (AID) and (5250)?. I test with the others keys that have only (AID) like description on the Emulator Key column and all they are good, but when I test keys like [erase eof], [page down], [page up], etc, they write the symbol @'ehllapi sequence'.

thanks for all that you can do for me,

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-08-26 23:04:32  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment I think you need to upgrade-- which version of Screensurfer are you using? This is displayed on the home page of the administrator's console.

The [page down] and [page up] keys both say "5250" because they are specific to the AS400 TN5250 protocol. If you are connected to a 3270 host, these send PA1 and PA2.

I believe that the hllapi sequence for this might not have been supported in earlier versions of 1.3.

Just tested the [page down] in version 2 and it worked fine.