Ticket #36 ( Closed )

Short Description Combining Multiple Forms into Single Page
Entered By: RobE When: 1998-05-26 13:11:17 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
Is it possible to combine multiple screens containing forms into a single HTML page using TEACTION ENTER "[xxx]" or can this be done some other way?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-05-26 15:50:26  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment If the screens are for inquiry purposes, than it is very easy-- For a simple example, if the first screen of a three screen set has "Customer Information" at the top left, than you might have:
  when Screen_1_5 is "Customer Information">
<!-- the customer name is row 1, column 50-->
<H2> Information</H2>
<!-- The information is rows 2 through 22-->
<TEAREA 2 1 22 80>
<!-- PF8 goes to next screen-->
**** Screen 2 information *****
<TEAREA 2 1 22 80>
**** Screen 3 information *****
<TEAREA 2 1 22 80>

Data entry is not complicated, but is tedious-- please let me know if you need a data entry example as well as if you have a lot of screens you would need to consolidate into single web pages.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-11-09 22:50:29  New Status: Closed
Comment Ticket closed due to lack of activity.