Ticket #342 ( Closed )

Short Description Sessions to Autostart Behavior
Entered By: RayWas When: 1999-06-25 12:29:53 Build: 1.03.28e
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
Should Autostart sessions always autostart? I have noted the following behavior:

Screensurfer service set to automatic startup: Autostart sessions do not start.

Screensurfer started through the Screensurfer Control: Autostart sessions do not start.

Screensurfer stopped/started through the Screensurfer Administrative Console, and FULLRESTART selected: Autostart sessions do not start.

Screensurfer stopped/started through the Screensurfer Administrative Console, and CONFIRM selected: Autostart sessions DO start.

Just wondering if this is the correct behavior or if I may have a configuration problem. Our goal is to have the sessions autostart without manual intervention.


Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-06-25 12:52:41  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Autostart is a little flaky, as it was originally part of Screensurfer's "sister" product, the Amazon Emulation Server...sorry for the inconsistency.

Please describe your autostart requirements, besides wanting it to work to initiate sessions...reason being, the started sessions really are just live LU's on the initial "welcome" screen, without any "up-front-logon-overhead" being taken care-of.

Based on your requirements, we'll possibly update Screensurfer and let you know when the update is ready, with good autostart, and also --hopefully-- whatever else you are trying to accomplish.