Ticket #334 ( Pending IE )

Short Description Unable to get SSkeys ActiveX working properly
Entered By: David.Hawkins@vwfs.co.uk When: 1999-06-21 06:23:57 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Evaluation
Hi, I have been trying to get the SSKeys ActiveX object to work so that I can reprogram the keys to our preference. I am having no joy at all it trying to get it to work. I have included the object in the Global.STML and all I seem to get is the "Right Control Key" acting as the ENTER key. Could you please take a look at the Global.STML I have pasted onto the bottom of this ticket and possibly tell me where I am going wrong. Ideally I would like the "Right Enter Key" to act as the ENTER key and the "Main Enter Key" to act as the FIELD-EXIT key(TAB key). If this isn't possible the "Right Control Key" as FIELD-EXIT would be fine. Any help you can give would be greatly appreiciated. NB: Could you email me direct with any answers as David is away for a week. The msgbox() bit in the keyhook sub was just to test what was being return. Oh, and should I being get a request to download the activex cab when I start the 3270 session, as I don't seem to be. Thanks in advanc