Short Description
Cannot run after installing
When: 1998-05-22 08:38:07 Build: 1.03.07A
Department: Product
The install itself seemed to work fine, but the service could not be started. ('Service not found' appears at the bottom of the screen surfer window) and when the start button is pressed, the error 'getservicehandle failed' appears in a dialog box. I cannot access the administrator's console; it is looking for an address of Also, using IE 4 I get a script error on many of the screen surfer documentation pages I've tried .
By: When: 1998-05-22 11:19:12 New Status:
Pending IE
After removing the proxy server option from IE I got further. The Service was able to start. However I cannot use the web gateway or administrator's console. A url address error page comes up.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-05-22 11:22:10 New Status:
Pending Customer
Can you try starting the Screensurfer service from the Control Panel Services Applet? The above error can be caused by either a failed file copy during installation or some authority issue with the userid you are logged on with (either now or during install. We'd be interested in what you see in the Services Control Applet...
I'd also like to point you to a product update at, which has implemented a diagnostic mode following initial install which will help in determining what is happening in your environment.
By: When: 1998-05-22 11:35:55 New Status:
Pending IE
I cannot use the surf1_3b.exe because my serial number is considered invalid.
The screensurfer service was started from the Services control panel. (you may not have seen my previous append). In any case, the service was started but that is as far as I can get. Neither the webgateway nor the admin console in the wbsurfer folder can be found.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-05-22 16:49:37 New Status:
Pending Customer
Have you been able to use the surf1_3b.exe install program yet?
By: When: 1998-05-22 16:59:30 New Status:
Pending IE
Yes; now I can see what is happenning when I access the web gateway. We can't run dns searches from our interior domain, but we might be able to if we install the proxy client; we'll do that on Monday. Meanwhile I am still puzzled over the administrator console. What is the address supposed to be? It will never find that on our domain. I've tried changing it to the ip address of the machine, but it doesn't help.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-05-25 10:00:34 New Status:
Pending Customer
| is the standard address for the local machine. You can change this to your machine name and that should work. I'm surprised that is not working on your machine since it is a standard for the local machine...
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-05-27 08:11:11 New Status:
Pending Customer
How are you doing? Have you been able to connect and use Screensurfer yet?
We would also be interested in any feedback on how the installation and initial use could be improved to address your specific network configuration.
By: When: 1998-05-27 08:25:24 New Status:
Pending IE
No progress yet; our lan manager is looking into it.
Regarding the installation, one of the things I was prompted for was "Domain/logon id:" followed by "Password:". I could not figure out what the response should be. Is it EITHER domain OR logon id, or both, separated by a /? In any case, I could not fit both in the space provided, so I just put in the domain name. More info as to what is needed in that dialog box would be useful.
By: WindSurfer When: 1998-05-27 08:39:45 New Status:
Pending Customer
Thanks for the feedback-- it does need to be the full domain\userid, separated by the backslash. Unfortunately, the field for domain\userid was only 20 characters in our install program. We have just bumped that to 60 and updated the install.
You can update this information in the NT Control Panel/Services applet by clicking on "Screensurfer" and the "Startup" button.
Screensurfer cannot start as a service until this is corrected, I suspect--
With the Surf1_3b version of the installation, you now have the diagnostic mode for startup-- is Screensurfer starting successfully in diagnostic mode?
By: When: 1998-05-27 15:29:04 New Status:
Pending IE
We have now been successful running the screen surfer web gateway page and trying out a public site. However, to get to this point we had to change the ip address of our workstation so that it was running outside of our network, as opposed to going through our proxy server to get out. We also had to turn off the option 'Access internet using a proxy server' in MS Explorer 4.0. Is it not possible to run this inside a network going through a proxy server to get to the external web?