Ticket #315 ( Closed )

Short Description TESET/TESHOW before connect
Entered By: JaxAce When: 1999-06-02 11:11:34 Build: 2_0_4i
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
Not sure if it's this build, or in all; just noticed this.

TESET and TESHOW don't take unless the session is connected. If both are after the connect, it works fine.

In a section, but _before_ a CONNECT, TESET won't put the data in the var. And TESHOW before a CONNECT displays

" !!session data not available!! "

Also, inconsistently, if a variable declared with a default value is TESHOWed before CONNECTing, the error message and the data both display.

<TEDECLARE sTheClown TEXT data = "BozoNoNo">

<TESECTION putClowny
           when tranpath_1 = "clownaround">
      <TESHOW sTheClown>

      <!-- TESHOW sTheClown <- OK here -->

!!session data not available!!BozoNoNo

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-06-02 11:14:35  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Question: if there is no connection to a session, which session variable should be set with TESET or displayed with TESHOW? Session 1, or a random session ? :)
Append By: JaxAce  When: 1999-06-02 11:28:13  New Status: Pending IE

OK... hmmm, session 97?  :-P

Sure, but then where is the declared default value being held? 

And in general, since the session's name space is created 
on connection, does this explain why this web.var cannot

<tesection doconnect
  when tranpath_1 is "linkme">

  <teaction connect "LU_GROUP_1" + ":" + web.LU_REQUESTED>

  <teif task.SessionActive ...


If so, how am I supposed to request a specific LU from the
client side?
