Hello I have a big problem with enter parameters from web
I have a section that it would received three parameters
one of them indicate the row where I am going to put a field value and the others are the other fields in that row.
Something like this:
<TEACTION PUTFIELD web.PosRow colvalue1 FiledValue1>
<TEACTION PUTFIELD web.PosRow colvalue2 FiledValue2>
<TEACTION PUTFIELD web.PosRow colvalue3 FiledValue3>
At the first calling, the value of web.PosRow is correct, like I have to do severals calling to the same section in order to fill a list (on screen from host). I only increment the web.PosRow value and I do the next calling, but at the next time that I call the Section the value of webPosRow it isnīt the value that I put at the second time.
Isīnt There any form to refresh the enter values for next times?
Or How do you do to enter a list of parameters?