Ticket #302 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Default quick-and-dirty emulator?
Entered By: kentiler When: 1999-05-17 14:38:34 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript Functions
Hi, Is there a way to create a very quick webpage that just acts like a 3270 emulator? Sort-of like you have setup in devcenter (the url is http://localhost:82/surfer/refresh/1_esl12969789_12980765/1) Thanks. --Kent
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-05-17 14:53:36  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Absolutely!

Since you have been using Screensurfer primarily as a middleware component for Cold Fusion, you haven't been accessing it in emulation mode.

On your developer's machine, in the Screensurfer folder there is a "Web Gateway" shortcut, which is the same as accessing using http://localhost:82.

From other machines, to access your Team10 server, just access the Screensurfer server at port 82, and whatever is in your global.home section will be displayed. As installed, this provides a list of maybe some public access demo sites with your host probably the first link provided.

You can jump right to the first defined host (bypassing the connection menu) with a URL of:


Where "surferaddress" is the address of your machine.

The best emulation environment today is with our Version 2 release, which includes user configurable keyboard support (ActiveX based) and other new features.