Ticket #293 ( Closed )

Short Description Using variable that are not passed by URL.
Entered By: smoffatt@ourcard.com When: 1999-05-06 15:35:15 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
(1). I have two HTML input variables on the global.stml file. I use those input field to collect the userid and password. In another file (total2.stml), I'm attempting to use those two variables that I collected in the global.stml file to use (similar to COLD FUSION). Although I use the variables in the 'web.password' format, when I check the active trace file I see that the variables are empty. Is there a way to pass variables other than through a URL.

(2). In an attempt to reduce my file size, I decided to create two login sequences for our two mainframe sessions. In one of the sequences I use a <TEPUTSECTION> followed by a <TEACTION>. I attempted to compile the code and Screensurfer was shutdown. I attempted to restart the service but it will automatically shutdown. Only after I changed my code back to old way I had it, did screensurfer stay up. Just thought you should know.


<TESECTION Addchg3 when tranpath_1 is "Addchg3">  
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-05-06 16:02:05  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment 1. The web.userid and web.password variables will only be available at the time the user passes them-in with an HTTP request. So, what you need to do is copy from the web.userid and web.password "temporary" values to a session variable. For example:
<tedeclare var UserID text 10>
<tedeclare var Password text 10>
<tesection Signon
  when tranpath_1 is "signon">
<!-- save userid and password for later
<teset userid=web.userid>
<teset password=web.password>
In the above example, if this is in the global.stml file, the variables "global.userid" and "global.password" now have the values that were passed-in the web. variables, so that they can be used at any time that the current session is active.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-05-06 16:07:14  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment 2. We could reproduce compile errors, but couldn't reproduce your trap-- this is probably due to not having the full template set. Can you please zip your templates directory-up and e-mail to surfer@ieinc.com, which will allow us to reproduce the problem. It has to do with error reporting...here are your errors we found:
  1. TEPUSECTION SequenceError should be TEPUTSECTION SequenceError (not causing trap, but will not be recognized as a tag)
  2. TEACTION "wagn"+web.account2+"[enter]" Needs to start with TEACTION ENTER (the ENTER keyword is missing)
The missing verb in TEACTION is what is tripping-up the compiler's scanner/error reporting in your environment (all your template files working together)-- once you fix the errors, it should work fine...once you send us the zip of your templates, Screensurfer won't fall down next time this happens!

Thanks for using the SupportCenter...

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-05-07 16:31:06  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment How are things going?