Ticket #290 ( Closed )

Short Description Variable declaration changes
Entered By: kentiler When: 1999-04-30 13:47:49 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Variable Declaration
I have 2 .stml files. I'm using a TEDECLARE for a set of variables. I am calling the row "MESSAGES" in both .stml files. I thought that I could do this, but it seems that I can't because after I trace through and see the first set being set correctly using TESET, I see the second set of variables when I do the TERESULT. So what's happening since I sort of made a huge run-on sentence above is this: I declare row1-row5, and then use TESET and I see the correct information is set. However, as soon as I do the TERESULT, I see the variables from the other .smtl file, and all the variables I declared in my TEDECLARE are NULL. Should I just change the row names? If so, why can't I have the same row name declared in different .smtl files. Thanks. --Kent