Ticket #277 ( Closed )

Short Description Dash/underscore suppression for 1-byte fields
Entered By: PeteL When: 1999-04-02 14:01:09 Build: 1.03.29F
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: HTML Generation
used to work (I think), but now doesn't - not sure what version it broke in, but was probably within the last month or two.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-04-02 15:08:34  New Status: Accepted
Comment Thanks for the report--should be fixed in next build...
Append By: Connie  When: 1999-04-05 10:11:08  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment The fix for this regression is now available at ftp://ftp.ieinc2.com/pub/surfer/t1_3_29g.zip.
Append By: PeteL  When: 1999-04-05 10:19:15  New Status: Pending IE
Comment thanks - is this a "stand-alone" fix applied on top of 29f, or are there other fixes as well?
Append By: Connie  When: 1999-04-05 10:23:07  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment This is the only change since 29f-- one condition in one IF statement checking the size of an entry field before applying mask logic.

This was also confirmed as the introduced condition that was introduced sometime after build 1.3.28Q.

Append By: PeteL  When: 1999-04-05 10:28:45  New Status: Closed
Comment thanks - tests out fine