Ticket #256 ( Pending IE )

Short Description HTTP log format with associated SS variables
Entered By: PeteL When: 1999-02-17 08:00:10 Build: 1.03.28
Categories Type: Suggestion   Department: Product   Category: Documentation
It would be helpful if the http log file format were documented with not only field names/contents, but also how certain fields can be modified. For intance, in SupportCenter ticket # 229 (the only place where I could find log format doc at this point), it says that Session User can be read and/or modified by accessing Screen.ActiveUser, but it does not have that same information for Referrer.
Append By: PeteL  When: 1999-02-18 09:48:30  New Status: Pending IE
Comment I would also be beneficial if there was a way to add user-defined fields at the end of the log record, so I could save things like userid, luname, etc., without corrupting the valid fields in the log record.