Ticket #254 ( Closed )

Short Description Determining last AID key pressed and ScreenID
Entered By: gaucho When: 1999-02-16 12:42:51 Build: 1.03.28r
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript
I would like to determine where a user came from prior to a selected screen. How do i determine what AID key was pressed and the screen id of the last screen visited. Here's the scenario: [login sequence] [main screen - id is "G1"] -->3 options if AID key is [enter] go to second screen - id is "G2" get perm and pin for validation press [enter] to go back to [main screen] elseif AID key is [pf3] go to second screen - id is "G2" get student registration status press [enter] to go back to [main screen] elseif AID key is [pf4] go to second screen - id is "G2" get student schedule press [enter] to go back to [main screen] end if I would like to know on the main screen whether the previous screen is "G2" or from the login sequence. I also want to know what AID key is entered so i could perform the specific actions required.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-02-16 17:12:19  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment The variable Task.AidText has the current AID key text in it, such as "[PF1]" so you should use this to determine the AID pressed--

The variable Screen.ScreenID has the screen ID of the last screen recognized (will need to be identifed in TESECTION)-- this will be the fully qualified name, including Template.Section in the name.