Ticket #246 ( Accepted )

Short Description What about an event log interface?
Entered By: PeteL When: 1999-01-19 10:39:31 Build: 1.03.28
Categories Type: Suggestion   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript
Since you are already writing certain events to the NT event log, it may not be too big a deal to allow user events to be logged the same way, through a SurferScript function. It'd be a nice way for error events to be tracked, instead of only being able to send error notification to the user.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-01-19 11:03:39  New Status: Accepted
Comment Definitely a good idea that has been missing for a while.

Will add a function EventLog(Type,When,Information)

With Type = "Error", "Warning" "Info"


When= free text, basically a "when/where" for the error
Information= free text, the "details" of the error