Ticket #239 ( Pending IE )

Short Description How about a GUI interface to the registry updates?
Entered By: PeteL When: 1999-01-07 08:04:10 Build: 1.03.28
Categories Type: Suggestion   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
It is with great fear that I suggest to the SS developers that on certain occasions (updated ielua, etc.) that they need to go use regedt32 to update their own registry. As a matter of fact, I think I have never had them do it, requiring me to go do it myself at their desks. I would be far more likely to suggest that they make their own changes if there were a control-panel-like interface that changed the registry behind the scenes. This would also serve as an excellent online documentation source and error-preventor, since there would be restrictions on what values could be selected and placed into the registry. Certain companies (like mine) lock down the end-user desktops, making it impossible for them to do things like direct registry updates, and this would alleviate that situation as well. This would also self-document new or revised registry keys and/or values.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-01-07 08:32:54  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Would an upgraded notebook-style console settings page satisfy this requirement-- if ALL registry settings were always available and documented?
Append By: PeteL  When: 1999-01-07 08:40:08  New Status: Pending IE
Comment absolutely, and probably better, since it's all centralized. It would be another consideration when looking at (someday?) granularized security, this would probably merit a category of its own, do you think?