Ticket #231 ( Closed )

Short Description Need Y2K Readiness Statement
Entered By: DCountry When: 1998-12-17 15:17:39 Build: 1.03.27e
Categories Type: Question   Department: Sales   Category: Evaluation
We are evaluating Screensurfer. In order to purchase it, we will need a Y2K Readiness Statement from your company. Does such a statement exist on your website?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-12-17 16:01:48  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment It does now!

  1. Go to http://www.screensurfer.com
  2. Click on Products Link
  3. Click on Table of Contents
  4. Scroll to bottom, and click on Year 2000 link
  5. There it is...
Or, you can just go to:
Append By: DCountry  When: 1998-12-18 17:06:07  New Status: Closed
Comment Thanks!