Ticket #230 ( Closed )

Short Description Issues with server logs
Entered By: Michael - Charleston When: 1998-12-16 11:46:21 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Missing Product Feature
Found two issues after the initial analysis of our Screensurfer logs:

1) Requests for directories that do not exist seem to be getting a "200" status code response when they should probably be getting a "404" code.

For example:,,12/15/1998,18:19:02,W3SVC,www3, www3.charlestoncounty.org,1016,246,414,200,0, GET,/juster/forms,Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98),,0/0/0,1

2) Every request made from any form on any page always shows up in the log starting with "/surfer/form/emulator/" followed by a string of numbers. There is no way to tell if this was a click to drill down to a case's Docket screen or to click to navigate back to the Main Menu! It is essential to be able to tell what each hit to the form was for so we will be able to evaluate which areas are actively used and which are not, etc. Logs of hits to "/surfer/form/emulator/" need to also record the keys and Screen ID the way sendkey hits do (/surfer/sendkeys/2_eva19376

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-12-16 17:20:24  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment We've done some work already on your suggestions-- the transaction not found (no directory) will now report as a 404.

How about if the emulator code replaces the URL with the "from screen" and "to screen", where the URL starts with the opening screen ID, and then ends with the ending screen ID?

We also have the ability to add a variable that you can update inside your script that will change the value of the URL to a string of your choice-- would that be of value?

Underlying work has been performed to enable a filter on all image types-- we are regression testing at the moment before moving to implementing the mask.