Ticket #21 ( Closed )

Short Description incorrect cursor location
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-05-13 06:12:22 Build: 1.03.10a
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: 3270 Datastream
cursor is being reported on the wrong line of a screen. I have a transaction section that sets it where it should be, places a value into a field at that location, hits enter, get incorrect results. When I displayed the cursor position prior to setting it where it should be(where it already was), it said it was 1 line too far down. When I did the reset to that same incorrect line, it started working. trace and template will be sent via email.
Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-05-14 08:12:02  New Status: Closed
Comment something in the rebuilds over the last day fixed this problem