Ticket #204 ( Closed )

Short Description Session Range Setting
Entered By: gaucho When: 1998-11-03 00:29:45 Build: 1.03.27e
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: TN3270 Connection
I have the Session Range as 1..1 for the only group of LU defined in screensurfer setting but I was still able to log in from 3 different machines concurrently, (3 connections). I'm wondering if this is how it's suppose to work. I also did a "Sweep" after that one connection has been idled for seven minutes but gave me this result "Session Sweep Performed...0 Sessions swept (timed-out)." eventhough my User Session TimeOut is set for 2 minutes.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-11-03 07:11:40  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Something sounds odd...after changing the range to 1..1, did you stop the Screensurfer service and then start it again? A Console Shutdown isn't enough, as this doesn't clear-out the memory and reconfigure it the way a stop-start.

We've tested the sweep successfully and it's working in other customer locations...looks like something to do with the 1..1.

Do you have just one host, at 1..1, then nothing above it?

Append By: gaucho  When: 1998-11-03 12:01:30  New Status: Pending IE
Comment Yup. I stopped the service and restarted it. And there's just one host at 1..1 nothing above it.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-11-03 12:13:13  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment We have tried to reproduce, and instead get the "No sessions are currently available" message.

Can you just e-mail your global.stml file to surfer@ieinc.com so that we can plug it in and see if there is something else happening?