Ticket #170 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description Log file configuration
Entered By: bspooner@charlestoncounty.org When: 1998-09-29 09:27:30 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Configuration
Coming from a Netscape/CERN web server background I am used to analyzing server hit and error log files in that style of format. I couldn't find info in the documentation on how to configure these types of log files (and what kind of flexibility I have in specifying their format) on the Screensurfer server. Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-09-29 12:15:17  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment At present, Screensurfer only supports error logging via the Event Log.

We have promised this support to other customers and expect to deliver on this within the next month.

Our current plan is to drive an enhanced log via a user function or TE-tag, whereby if logging is on, you can override any of the fields in the active log record by changing a bunch of new Task.Logxxx variables. At the end of the hit, the log record is written.