Ticket #17 ( Closed )

Short Description TEACTION PUTDATA not resetting cursor position?
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-05-07 10:05:09 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: 3270 Datastream
I have a scenario where I put a character of data at row 1 column 6 using TEACTION PUTDATA 1 6 "x", then need to clear the rest of line 1 and hit enter, so I simply followed the PUTDATA with TEACTION ENTER "[eraseeof][enter]", but the transaction wasn't working correctly. When I added a TEACTION SETCURSOR 1 7 between those other commands, it worked fine. I have to assume that the buffer cursor was not being advanced when the PUTDATA put its data there. BTW, SupportCenter is telling me I'm at release 1.03.07A, but I thought I was at 1.03.09, am I missing something?