Ticket #141 ( Closed )

Short Description provide more detail on the following message
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-09-09 08:30:46 Build: 1.03.23c
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
The following message would benefit from knowing where the data is being written to (screen position) and possibly the form field name as well. I'm getting a few of these a day, and can't determine why - I suspect a screen out-of-sync.

9/8/98 11:45:06 AM Screensurfer Web Gateway Warning None 4 N/A NCA-SURF Warning occurred during:

common.gt_assist (global.default)--Writing Screen Data from HTML Form:


A write attempt was made to position containing an attribute byte--Exclamation used for point of attempt:____________y_______!@Enter

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-09-14 11:24:10  New Status: Accepted
Comment Have added the field location, size and the data that is being written.

Should be available by about noon today, 9/14.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-09-14 14:15:52  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Fix is ready at ftp://ftp.ieinc2.com/pub/surfer/t1_3_25b.zip
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-11-09 22:39:00  New Status: Closed
Comment Closing-- assume it's working okay?
Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-11-10 07:28:02  New Status: Pending IE
Comment I will have to assume so as well - haven't seen it in awhile.
Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-11-10 07:28:32  New Status: Closed
Comment oops, my append re-opened the ticket - re-closing