Ticket #140 ( Closed )

Short Description HomeSite and Screensurfer Tags
Entered By: bspooner@charlestoncounty.org When: 1998-09-08 16:02:59 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Documentation
Somewhere a while back I saw something about a version of Allaire's HomeSite that either does support or will support the Screensurfer tags. Can you steer me back to this information. I want to include their software in our proposal, but I need something to justify it. Thanks.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-09-08 21:44:23  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment We have plans to provide customization files for HomeSite which then provide dialogs and pop-up menus for Screensurfer's tags. However, this has not been done yet! We are hopeful that this can be accomplished during 4th quarter this year.

Basically, the HomeSite editor is VERY compatible with Screensurfer development, since it can have the .stml file type added as an "html" type, and also manages groups of stml files nicely in a project format. We use HomeSite for our Screensurfer development, including the SupportCenter, which is all written in Surferscript.

So, even though the customization features are only a "future" for a Screensurfer environment, it is still very important to have a good editor-- Notepad doesn't cut it, and HomeSite is very good.