Ticket #135 ( Closed )

Short Description Host Port Setup
Entered By: snigg When: 1998-09-02 17:01:56 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: TN3270 Connection
Is there a way to set the port number for the connection to the 3270 machine? I have to use port 3278 but don't see how to set it.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-09-04 12:27:59  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Sorry we didn't answer this quicker--our SupportCenter E-mail connection was down due to a configuration change in our Exchange Server.

I believe this was answered by phone, but the simple answer is that you append a colon (:) followed by the port to the machine name of your TN3270 server, just like in a web browser.

Example: *TN3270:myhost:3278