Ticket #127 ( Accepted )

Short Description screen.HostWritesExpected not always reset
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-08-26 14:39:28 Build: 1.03.20d
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
I have a situation that I can't completely document, but it seems aparrent that the waithostwrites or HostWritesExpected or whatever is not being reset. There are two things that may be coming into play here -

1. could be after a timout waiting for # of buffers that never come or

2. maybe something to do with it being set in a webevent - my suspicion is #1, but I can't really verify it. If I can find the time to figure out how to test it and set up a trace, I will forward it up.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-26 22:23:15  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment You can't set in a WebEvent, unless it is for the transition from the screen that the webevent is for to the next screen.
Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-08-27 06:54:39  New Status: Pending IE
Comment that is the case. this is for initial menu screen processing. if the application being accessed is already logged on, there are fewer buffers than if the automatic logon is driven. i check this by looking to see if the application name on the menu is bold or not - bold indicates application is active. in this case, the check for bold was looking at the wrong line of the screen, and so was setting screen.WaitHostWrites to 4, thinking it had to process the logon. Since the application was actually active, it only had 1 buffer, so it waited 20 seconds, then sent the screen. Subsequent screen transition then also waited 20 seconds for no apparent reason, and when I did a template trace for this situation, when the variable was set to 4, it said the "before" was 2. I suspect this is because it had been decremented for the buffers that did show up, but never reset to 1 when the timeout happened.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-27 09:39:05  New Status: Accepted
Comment We will audit all circumstances where a screen transition occurs and assure that WaitHostWrites is always reset to 1.