Ticket #12 ( Closed )

Short Description Using TESECTION for alternate frame causing problem?
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-04-29 06:32:19 Build: 1.3.7A
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: SNA Protocol
I have my Screensurfer setup with the AIDKey map in a separate frame. It is defined, for no particular purpose (although initially I thought I needed some TE functions), within a TESECTION. It appears as though when I send the URL to load that frame, it causes the cursor position in the "real" 3270 frame to get reset to 1,1 - is this an accurate read of what would likely happen?
Append By: bthorne@ieinc.com  When: 1998-04-29 09:10:48  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Hmmm, I don't think so. Do you mean that the URL being sent to generate the AIDKey map is somehow causing the host cursor position to change (check with the console details display)?

Or, is the cursor bouncing to the first field in the other frame at he client level?

I'm also not sure if the AIDKey map appropriately targets clicks to the right frame.form-- is that part working?