Ticket #116 ( Closed )

Short Description Getting 'Line 19. Error: Event is undefined'
Entered By: Will When: 1998-08-17 16:12:56 Build: 1.03.07A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: HTML Generation
I get this message whenever I move around screens. I just downloaded the demo and I have IE 4.01. Here is the code generating the error ( I didnt write)?????
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-17 17:37:22  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Sorry, thought this had been slipped into the current install image--

Use "Open Existing Ticket" and check-out Ticket 110, which provides a solution to this.

Basically, the Script that is there is really only for Netscape 4, to enable use of the Enter key to submit regardless of the number or entry fields on the form...unfortunately, IE doesn't have the Event object defined the way the Netscape has, and this got through testing.

Append By: Will  When: 1998-08-18 07:42:07  New Status: Closed
Comment Thanks!