Ticket #115 ( Closed )

Short Description WEBTOSCREEN breaks cursor location
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-08-17 12:09:02 Build: 1.03.20d
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: SurferScript
I have a tran section that is triggered by a click on a screen link. The particular screen is cursor-sensitive, and activates the subsequent screen simply by locating the cursor and hitting enter. In the case of this transection, it is simply

C_Pos is set correctly, and the GETSESSION locates the cursor in the proper position. However, when the WEBTOSCREEN executes, it puts the cursor back to where it actually was on the browser form (the "cursor" or focus, is not actually moved, C_Pos is set by the click on the link). I'm quite certain I can build a workaround for this, but wanted to see if it was broken code on my side or on SS side.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-17 21:36:55  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment We will check the effect WebToScreen has on the cursor--there could be a missing flag that your WebToScreen needs to specify that might be a bad default behavior...the workaround would be to do a <TEACTION SETCURSOR web.C_POS> after the WebToScreen...
Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-08-18 06:39:37  New Status: Pending IE
Comment the workaround works fine, and may in fact be the appropriate solution - we need to be careful that changing WEBTOSCREEN wouldn't break anything else, since it in all likelihood, is actually doing what it should. The focus is on one field, but C_Pos has been set to something else due to the link click. So in this case, it seems like C_Pos is correct - however, aren't there cases where C_Pos may not be set, but focus is on a field different than the one originally set, and in that case, we'd want the cursor to be set to the field containing focus? I'm not sure I hit all the scenarios, but that's a least a thought or two.
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-18 10:22:26  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Each field generated by Screensurfer includes JavaScript to set C_POS to that field's location on the screen, with the onFocus event...so C_POS is the cursor location "source".

So, when C_POS is altered from a link, the field that has focus no longer has the cursor, just like when a user moves the cursor on the screen-- but when the host writes the next screen, the cursor will probably be moved somewhere new...

Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-08-19 07:16:23  New Status: Pending IE
Comment OK, so it sounds like WEBTOSCREEN is actually broken, but since workaround is in and functional, not too critical at this point (although I don't know where else it may be affecting something that I don't yet know about)
Append By: PeteL  When: 1999-03-08 10:26:00  New Status: Closed
Comment I really don't know if this is a problem or not - my system is working fine as far as this situation is concerned, so if it is because of a workaround, then so be it - I don't remember the details anymore.