Ticket #110 ( Pending Customer )

Short Description JavaScript Error in IE4
Entered By: WindSurfer When: 1998-08-07 16:39:59 Build: 1.03.19d
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: JavaScript Error
When Screensurfer pages are displayed in IE4 from the current download install (for new installs), there is an error in the global.stml file for this distribution.

In IE4, each page displays "Event" not supported-- press enter and the page works fine.

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-08-07 16:42:37  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment This is due to a bug in the distributed global.stml-- you can get a replacement (only get if you haven't modified your global.stml!) at ftp://ftp.ieinc2.com/pub/surfer/global.stml.

To fix yourself, edit global.stml and in section global.header you will find a JavaScript1.2 block-- replace it with the following:

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- following avoids IE missing function
 if (typeof(Event) != "undefined")
  window.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN | Event.KEYUP)

 function keyDownFunction(key) 
  if (typeof(SurferSubmit) != "undefined")
   if (key.which == 13) 
    return false
  return true;
// -->

Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-03-16 17:26:59  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Test of email cancellation in middle of send...
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-03-17 15:41:08  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment this and that
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1999-03-17 15:41:27  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment And over here