Ticket #11 ( Closed )

Short Description Users getting "No Sessions Available"
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-04-29 05:38:02 Build: 1.3.7A
Categories Type: Problem   Department: Product   Category: SNA Server Connect
A couple of issues here: Console Activity screen shows 15 active sessions, but there doesn't seem to be any way to get to the "next" 15. Users are getting No Sessions Available messages when they probably shouldn't. There probably are really none available (don't have enough doc at the moment), but within the first 15 active, I see 5 sessions for the same IP address - what if they don't have "Accept cookies" security setting turned on? There needs to be some way to control this. Are you aware of acceptance/denial of the cookie, and could set something to not allow duplicate sessions (or user-defined #) for that IP address?
Append By: bthorne@ieinc.com  When: 1998-04-29 09:13:39  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment I can use IP address on CONNECTS to limit sessions along with the cookie-- this should work, although there are some Internet environments where every HTPP request can come with a different address (!)

I need to investigate further. Can you check to see if cookie rejection is the cause of the current problem?

Append By: pete.longden@bcbsnca.com  When: 1998-04-29 12:20:59  New Status: Pending IE
Comment Well, after further research, IE (at least in v3.02) doesn't give you the option to reject cookies (MS has too much riding on them, no doubt), it only lets you set the level of warning that you get before accepting them (where can we make you go today?). So that's not it. I certainly see where limiting connections based on IP address can be troublesome, it is to me, too. However, I'm not sure where else to go with this one, unless maybe something's just broken. Unfortunately, I've not been here when it's happened, so I can't do any detective work to try to figure it out.
Append By: msexton@ieinc.com  When: 1998-04-29 14:40:48  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment IE 4 does give you the ability to reject cookies, although this little factoid would be irrelevant if your users are all using version 3. At the risk of pursuing a red herring, do you know how one IP started 5 sessions?
Append By: pete.longden@bcbsnca.com  When: 1998-04-30 10:08:44  New Status: Pending IE
Comment I don't. What I do know is that I only recently turned the timeout value on. If a session was started prior to that being turned on, would it never be available for reuse? Before I left yesterday, I closed all sessions that had been idle for over 1 hour, so I know there is no more "leftover", but maybe that was happening the other day. I need to try to load up with users to ensure that timeout/reuse if working OK.
Append By: bthorne@ieinc.com  When: 1998-04-30 17:42:03  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Ah. Yes, you could easily have users left from the prior day, and I think that the expiration on the cookie that provides session re-connect is such that the cookie won't exist one day to the next.

Timeout will only fix this if you set the session range so that the number of defined connections maps to the LU pool size...otherwise, I don't think the timeout logic kicks in (it only kicks-in when you run out of defined Screensurfer sessions, NOT if you go to SNA Server and get kicked-back.

As long as you "run-out" of sessions defined on the requested group, the timeout logic will bump-off an old session and give it to the requester.

Append By: PeteL  When: 1998-05-04 06:32:39  New Status: Pending IE
Comment haven't seen a recurrence of this, I'll continue to monitor