Ticket #102 ( Closed )

Short Description location of "Silent" settings
Entered By: PeteL When: 1998-07-22 10:55:52 Build: 1.03.19a
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Special Variables
I have Screen.SilentReconnect and Screen.SilentSyncErr both set in my primary page - however, when that is the page for which those messages would be sent (specifically reconnect), it seems as though that may be too late - is there a place either immediately after TECONNECTED or somewhere in global.stml that would get those set maybe at session establishment time?
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-07-22 13:23:17  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment Once you set these ON, they will remain on for the duration of the session...so I think this should work for you, as any reconnect has to occur after the first time this section is executed.