Ticket #101 ( Closed )

Short Description ielua not working -- more problems
Entered By: gaucho When: 1998-07-21 17:27:41 Build: 1.03.19D
Categories Type: Question   Department: Product   Category: Troubleshooting
When trying to connect to a host, ielua quits .. this is the message i get in the diagnostics ************************************************************************* *********** New Logging Session 07/21/98 at 14:26:12 (Version 1.03.19d) ************************************************************************* [ 1] Informational: Screensurfer Version 1.03.19d Startup (Screensurfer Executable IELUA.EXE Successfully Started, Root Directory is "c:\Screensurfer\HostServer\") [ 2] Warning: Validating Console User (The Console is currently unprotected--you should enter valid IP addresses in registry!) [ 3] InitRUI: After LinkToRUIDlls, Status=-1 [ 4] Error: During LinkToRUIDlls, return code=ffffffff Description=The return code of ffffffff is unrecognized!
Append By: WindSurfer  When: 1998-07-21 18:22:13  New Status: Pending Customer
Comment I think you forgot to include the *TN3270: string in front of your host name.

Screensurfer thinks that you are trying to connect to an SNA Server host. RUI is the interface name used to interact with SNA Server-- any host definition that is "plain" (no *TN3270: in front) is assumed to be SNA, 'cause that was the first support Screensurfer had.