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Inventu Viewer+ Administration Console

The emulator keyboard is designed to be similar to a traditional emulator.  The alpha-numeric keys will follow the characters printed on your keyboard.  The other keys work as follows:



TN3270 / TN5250 Action

VTxxx Action


Submit the current screen with ENTER as AID

In VT mode, will send text along with the CR (carriage return, ASCII 13)


Submit the current screen with PF1 through PF12 as AID

In VT mode, many F-keys have no meaning--very application dependent


Submit the current screen with PF13 through PF24 as AID

F-key 13-24


Send a CLEAR key

Sends the ESC key if in "send each keystroke mode"


Move the cursor in the emulator up one line

Send all pended keystrokes and the "cursor up" command to the host



Move the cursor in the emulator down one line

Send all pended keystrokes and the "cursor down" command to the host



Move the cursor in the emulator right one column

Send all pended keystrokes and the "cursor right" command



Move the cursor in the emulator left one column

Send all pended keystrokes and the "cursor left" command



Move the cursor to the next available input field in the emulator

Send all pended keystrokes and the TAB key to the host



Send the screen with the F8 key as the AID key

Sends with F8



Send the screen with the F7 key as the AID

Sends with F7



no action

Send-in the current keystrokes (flush)--useful when NOT in "send each keystroke mode" and an ENTER or TAB would not provide the correct effect.  For example, when a single keystroke executes a Y/N or menu option.




In Screen Recorder, switch back to information entry

In Screen Recorder, switch back to information entry



Refresh (same as refresh button)

Refresh (same as refresh button)