Flynet Viewer 2016 Web Service Generator

Self-Contained Search

Self-Contained Search

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Self-Contained Search

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The Self-Contained Search screen is a type of Multi-row screen that has a unique navigation in that the user changes one or more "search" fields on the screen, then presses Enter or a Function key to refresh the multi-row portion of the screen with the results of the search.


HostThe Self-Contained search screen provides a single view of both search fields and the results for the user.  Unlike other multi-row screens, when the screen is initially displayed, the list is not generally valid until entries are made in the search and the Enter key pressed.
WSThe key is to have identified the screen NavigationType property as self-contained search.  When this is done, the necessary code is generated, especially when using the Finite State Logic generator, which is recommended for all new projects.



On this screen, the initial display will not display the correct case list--the "Position To" fields need to be entered first, with an Enter key before the list is correct for display or further processing.


Click to view the next section, Drilldown List