Flynet Viewer 2016 Web Service Generator

Home Screen

Home Screen

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Home Screen

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The Home Screen is included here as an important concept for understanding how your Web Service application's navigation works.


HostThe home screen concept isn't generally considered except in the coding of the host navigation as a user enters and exits the host.  It is typically the top-level application menu screen, or perhaps the Account Number selection screen for such applications as Customer Service.
WSThe home screen can be thought of as the first "real" screen encountered after logging on.  In the generated framework, the Home Screen is used as the focal point for navigation; it is where all transactions are assumed to start, and where they end once completed.  When you define a Web Service project, you cannot generate your application until you have selected the Home Screen from your defined screens.


This home screen is typical of a customer support application, where to start working with a customer, you identify the customer and account to work on.


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