Flynet Viewer 2016 Web Service Generator

Clear Screen

Clear Screen

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Clear Screen

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The Clear screen is a completely empty screen with no text on it.  The cursor is located at row 1, column 1 and the user usually must key a command and press enter to continue.


HostThe Clear screen is a command entry screen that provides a large, unformatted entry area to key a command.  Clear screens are usually only encountered in 3270 (IBM Mainframe) environments.  For most users, the Clear screen is only encountered during logon sequences, where they are expected to know a command or application name to key-in and then press Enter to complete the logon.  3270 Terminals actually have a key labeled "Clear" which is used to "call-up" the Clear screen.  Most terminal emulators have the Pause/Break key mapped to the Clear, but the Esc key may also be the Clear key.
WSClear screen navigation may call for modification to navigation methods, so that all navigation can be routed through a clear screen and corresponding transaction name entry.



This Clear screen has had the command "info" keyed, so that the user can press Enter and access the "info" transaction.


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